Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another Resident Model

I know she's gonna kill me for posting this...but's not like she hasn't posted pics of me that I didn't want the world to see (*o^)
I believe this picture was taken for photography class, and if memory serves me right, the story to this picture is: Cindie posed for this picture and that the following day or so, someone Xerox a bunch of these pictures and posted them all over or was it, they made them into a mask...not sure...Cin, care to tell the story correctly? (^o^)


Luisa said... are so
thi is worster than Guen's dress

Islander Girl said...

I hate to say this Luisa, but seriously...I don't think this picture is that bad... That dress that Guen wore was well...hmmm, how can I explain it? I'll have to be nice cause I know what wedding Guen wore it for and I like the bride and groom... Lets just say...this picture IS NOT as bad as Guen's dress!

Islander Girl said...

Hey, it's not like you haven't posted pictures I didn't want you to post! AND you're the one who gave me the box full of pictures in it...the only pic you told me not to post was your school one (^o^) Plus, the blog has been slow lately thought I'd liven it up (^o^)

BTW, you can't take the box can't even get on base (*o^)

See ya Saturday (^o^)

Islander Girl said...

Seriously, it's not like I can't scan all the pictures tonight (^o^)

Islander Girl said...

Um why bother giving me a box of pictures to scan? Indian giver! hahahaha! Too late, been scanning them little by little (^o^)

Islander Girl said...

Oye! We're still on this subject?! Quite getting your panties in a bunch...LOL..if you like you have Nana-chan to pick it out (^o^)

Richie, you're so funny!

Islander Girl said...

Um nah, I don't wanna get fungus on my figers!

Islander Girl said...

Oh phuleez! You know I'm right!

Luisa said...

you girls still at it...LOL

Cluad...your liking this huh?...

I want to pick with me the rainbow dress...please LOL

Luisa said...

sure what color?,,LOL

do you want pinkies one or the one with polka dots...:P

Luisa said...

or better yet the one with elephant nose..hahaha

Luisa said...


so I can't pick a fight with matter..I'll get you na lang .. on other way...:)