Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Armando...look at what I found

I think this is the only picture I have with Armando in it...
L to R: Coina Omega, Rochelle Grepo, Fred Pardo, Auntie Baby (Fred and Guen's mom), baby Elisa, me, Guen, and Armando
Front: VG (Fred and Guen's little bro), my sister Leah, and Matthew Grepo.


Luisa said...

Hey Guen, nice hair

Armando Omega said...

i think somebody was trying to get close to somebody in this picture... Hmmmm.

Claudette, how old were we in this picture? The "walk like an Egyptian" is always a classic pose. And there is Leah.. like her older sister.. judging him on what he is not supposed to be doing.

Have a geat weekend.

Armando "Too cool for school in this picture" Omega

Islander Girl said...

Armando, you're funny! But I think you're right about that certain someone trying to get close to their "love" interest...hahahahaha!

I'm not sure how old we were in this we were 10 or 11, Leah looks about 2 or 3 so I think that's how old we were.

You don't look too happy in this it cause you're not standing next to me (~o^) hahahahaha!

Armando Omega said...

No, I don't think that was it. I think I was still angry that my mom made a shirt for Corina out of my favorite table cloth.

What church was this in? Doesn't look familiar. Or was it in the room next to the church.