Thursday, April 20, 2006

What's up peeps! It's me Joel! yea..."JENNA'S BROTHER" as people know me...=P

How IS everyone doing? Man, it's been awhile since I've heard from the Yokosuka clan. Good thing I ran into Rich Ramones from a friend at work asking me that her friend Rich wanted to buy something from the Sony store. Low and behold the person who walks out is RICH RAMONES. How in Sams hell did this happen? I guess it was a sign it was time to get back to the old school and remember old friends whom are still really great friends to this day. I hope I get to hear from all of you more. The only new thing with me is that I bought a house up in Murrieta (Northern San Diego), have a wife name Julia and have a daughter name Leila. Leila is my lil princess who happens to be half Flip and half Russian so it's pretty rare to see this mix around. Check out the pix. Well, everyone...hope to be hearing from you soon. "Rich" thanks for sending out my website if anyone ever need my services...jes let me know. Norm! Oliver! where you at son! Take care everyone and Claudette, thanks for adding me in. ~Joel

1 comment:

Islander Girl said...

Hey Joel! You have a lovely family! I had no idea you had gotten married! Well it's probably cause I lost contact with your sister since before she had gotten married! Oye...time definitely flies!

BTW, I miss you watching you and the guys sing! You still singing and writing music?