Monday, May 01, 2006

Is it a reunion...

...if more than two Yo-Hians get together? If so, then we had a mini-reunion. This was taken at a mutual friend's wedding this past weekend. Jay and I were roommates through college in San Jose and Liza lives in the Bay Area. I still get together with Jay at least every month or so, but it's a rare occasion that I get a chance to see Liza. Anyway, this is as recent as it gets.

Pictured are Me (Nelson), Jay Montemayor, and Liza Tibayan.


Luisa said...

Hi Nelson..can't wait to see you next year...

I have more picture of you back in Yokosuka...In fact I'll post 'em for you to see...

how have you been?

nelnelcoolj said...

I'm okay. Just been working and taking care of my family, that's all. I have a 3 year-old, very active and talkative and funny little boy. Between him, my wife, and work I really don't have time for much of anything. They keep me busy. I work for the county office of education in the credentials unit dealing with teachers and the state on a daily basis. It's actually a fun job, but there is so much red tape that we deal with. Anyway, life hasn't been all that bad to me, I must say.

Luisa said...

one little boy...its great to hear from you..

Me..almost got everything..a husband, 4 kids (10 boy,8 boy, 5 girl, & 1 boy), a house, and a dog..except for a career for me..but wil not complain, I'm bless with all the blessing that is giving to me...just busy taking care of my right now..I'm a fulltime housewife and very proud of it, too! (^o^)

nelnelcoolj said...

Just this past weekend, on April 28th.